International Conference on Physical Education for Children and Youth with Visual Impairments

About Conference:

Research Foundation welcomes the young students and researchers from worldwide to the “International Conference on Physical Education for Children and Youth with Visual Impairments” it will be held on 10th November 2018 at Dhaka, Bangladesh. The aim of this international conference is to provide a platform for academics from various disciplines and countries to share their new innovations. It also leads to give a chance to create a contact with professional form different countries and different universities. Students can engage in discussions with senior professional to clarify their doubts.

Conference Details:

Date of Conference: 10th November 2018
Last date of Registration: 3rd November 2018
Final Paper Submission: 26th October 2018
Conference Enquiries: 

Indexed By:

  1. DOI Directory
  2. Research Pedia 
  3. Cite Factor 
  4. DRJI 
  5. Open Academic Journals Index 
  6. Open Access Library 
  7. Scholar steer 
  8. Google scholar 
  9. Springer 
  10. EBSCO Information services 
  11. Elsevier 
  12. DOAJ   

Benefits of Conference:

  • This international conference will revolve the secrets of how to develop the physical literacy
  • Participants will learn how to integrate normal life and sport skills  
  • Participants will know how the physical health is related to mental health 
  • Attendees will learn through conference chart and group discussions 
  • It reveals the how the proper diet enhances the physical activity of teens and athletes
